Unboxing: My Way to an Organized, Effective Classroom

Specially Designed Education Services | Unboxing: My Way to an Organized, Effective Classroom

The day I received the boxes of curriculum 📚materials for the new Functional Academics Program was incredibly exciting! As soon as my teaching team👬👬 gathered around, I started I I slicing open those boxes with tons of anticipation. I just couldn’t wait to see everything inside.

My Journey to Discovering SDES and Functional Academics

Specially Designed Education Services | My Journey to Discovering SDES and Functional Academics

I’ll never forget the moment I met Suzanne Fitzgerald, Author and CEO of SDES.  It was May 2022 and I had just dragged my exhausted self to yet another education conference – this time in Myrtle Beach. After 27 years as a high school special ed teacher, and spending 27 years developing My Transition Portfolio, […]

Scheduling Tip

Find a student in your classroom who can read and understand your master schedule. Assign them a job in the morning to help set up individual student schedules. See the video of Megan setting up the schedule.
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Suzanne’s student Megan was her Teacher’s Assistant first period during her junior and senior year. One of her jobs, among other clerical tasks, was to set up individual student schedules. It saved Suzanne prep time in the morning and was a great vocational experience for Megan.