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Supplemental Materials


Life After School: Transition Planning for Students with Disabilities offers guidance with creating comprehensive transition plans for your students, developing real-world work experiences, and teaching community-based vocational skills.

The Transition Manual includes:

  • Section One: Creating Comprehensive Transition Plans
  • Section Two: Developing Real-World Work Experiences
  • Section Three: Curriculum for Teaching Community-Based and Vocational Skills
  • Section Four: Instructional Strategies for Teaching Community-Based and Vocational Skills


Specially Designed Education Services|Supplemental Programs
Specially Designed Education Services|Supplemental Programs


Effective Strategies for Working with Paraeducators together with the Paraeducator Handbook is designed to help teachers provide a level of training and support that results in a cohesive, positive, and effective classroom benefiting everyone—administrators, teachers, paraeducators, and most importantly, students.

“The knowledge I gained working as a paraeducator in Suzanne and Candi’s special education classroom was so valuable. The positive work atmosphere as well as being a cohesive team allowed us to get the most out of our students and see them flourish. This manual is something that all classrooms should have!” – Holli Lawrence, Paraeducator

Teacher’s Manual: $24.99 each
Paraeducator Handbook: $9.99 each

Specially Designed Education Services|Supplemental Programs


The Teacher’s Guide to Peer Tutoring together with the Peer Tutor Student Handbook are designed to help teachers develop and maintain a successful and mutually rewarding peer tutor program.

“This experience helped me grow as a person. I wanted to do this so I could understand how to help others and learn different ways to communicate with different people. I started out being a peer tutor and teaching them, but I ended up being their friend.” 

~ Katy, Peer Tutor

“My favorite part was just being able to interact with students in the special education classroom and have fun and get to see who they were. They’re people just like us. They’re a little bit different but they’re still someone.”

~Peter, Peer Tutor

Specially Designed Education Services|Supplemental Programs


Hear more from Katy & Peter here!

Teacher’s Manual: $24.99 each
Peer Tutor Student Handbook: $9.99 each

To learn more about starting a Peer Tutor Program or to hear from more Peer Tutors, visit the Social Interaction with Peers page on the Washington Sensory Disability Services ( website. 

All of the students featured on this page were former peer tutors/students of author Suzanne Fitzgerald. 

See Peer Tutors in action!

Peer Tutors Implementing the Styer-Fitzgerald Program for Functional Academics 

Specially Designed Education Services|Supplemental Programs

Scheduling Tip

Find a student in your classroom who can read and understand your master schedule. Assign them a job in the morning to help set up individual student schedules. See the video of Megan setting up the schedule.
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Suzanne’s student Megan was her Teacher’s Assistant first period during her junior and senior year. One of her jobs, among other clerical tasks, was to set up individual student schedules. It saved Suzanne prep time in the morning and was a great vocational experience for Megan.