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Effective Strategies for Working with Paraeducators

As paraeducators are hired for special education classrooms, teachers are often responsible for providing training, monitoring their progress, managing their schedules, addressing challenges, and informally evaluating their efforts. This comprehensive guide, along with the Paraeducator Handbook (purchased separately), are designed to help educators navigate this role. With this guide, teachers can provide a level of training and support that results in a cohesive, positive, and effective classroom benefiting everyone-administrators, teachers, paraeducators, and most importantly, students.

“I literally went from babysitting to being trained to teach students real life skills like telling time and money use both in the classroom and in the community. The disability awareness training has given me the insight to appreciate each student’s unique learning style.”-Sally Semenock, Paraeducator

Order one per classroom.

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Category: Supplemental Products



Scheduling Tip

Find a student in your classroom who can read and understand your master schedule. Assign them a job in the morning to help set up individual student schedules. See the video of Megan setting up the schedule.
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Suzanne’s student Megan was her Teacher’s Assistant first period during her junior and senior year. One of her jobs, among other clerical tasks, was to set up individual student schedules. It saved Suzanne prep time in the morning and was a great vocational experience for Megan.