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Specially Designed Education Services|Program Overview

The Functional Academics Program is specifically designed to meet the needs of students with a variety of developmental disabilities. The skills targeted throughout the Assessment and Curriculum have been chosen for the explicit purpose of empowering students to reach their greatest level of independence, access their communities, and live fulfilled lives as contributing, responsible, and equal members of society.

OFFERED IN PRINT plus online

The entire program is offered in Print AND Online with our new cloud-based data collection and reporting system FLIGHT (Functional Learning Insights Guiding & Helping Teachers). We are able to accommodate all teachers – those who have embraced the digital age and those who prefer pen and paper.

Explore the Program! 

The Functional Academics Assessment is simple to administer and links directly to the Curriculum for a comprehensive education roadmap. To get started, please use the arrow found to the right of the book below to flip through an overview of the Program and see how it works.

Specially Designed Education Services|Program Overview

A World of Opportunity for Students with Disabilities


Learn more about The Functional Academics Program

SDSE Works - What is Included in the Program
SDSE Works - Overview

Scheduling Tip

Find a student in your classroom who can read and understand your master schedule. Assign them a job in the morning to help set up individual student schedules. See the video of Megan setting up the schedule.
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Suzanne’s student Megan was her Teacher’s Assistant first period during her junior and senior year. One of her jobs, among other clerical tasks, was to set up individual student schedules. It saved Suzanne prep time in the morning and was a great vocational experience for Megan.